Dog In a Box by Steve Hoskins


Steve Hoskins work represents an eclectic mix in terms of style and subject matter, from bold and striking to more subtle portrayals. With a fascination for all things living combined with a wealth of practical and technical experience and dedicated eye for detail, Steve manages to capture the essence of his subject with a unique, innovative and exciting style.

After studying at Central St Martins School of Art and Design, Steve went on to work in a design agency, specializing in animation, stills photography and special effects. It was during this time that Steve decided to set up his own photographic studio focusing on animals, landscapes and cars.

Steve’s imagery has been selected for the AOP, Royal Photographic Society and John Kobal awards. He has exhibited his work widely in both group and solo shows with many of his images being held in private collections throughout the world.  Today we feature images from his new project Dog In a Box

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For more of Steve’s work check out the following links:

Website | Twitter | Facebook

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