John Dolan: “John and George”


Dogs are indeed man’s best friend. There’s no better proof of that than artist John Dolan‘s upcoming show at Howard Griffin Gallery. “John and George” is his second show at the gallery. The whole exhibition is dedicated to Dolan’s dog, George, and how his furry companion helped change his life.


Before Dolan was a recognized artist, he had been in and out of prison and frequently found himself on the streets. Then one day, Dolan met George, who he managed to buy for the price of a can of strong lager. Receiving George gave Dolan hope, and it also provided Dolan with a subject to draw. In addition to his sketches of the buildings on Shoreditch High Street, Dolan made portraits of George, selling them to interested bystanders. In the end, he had hundreds of sketches, each one representing every passing day he spent with George.


With his new found friend, Dolan was able to break a 20-year cycle of homelessness and avoid any more jail time, ultimately changing his life and becoming one of London’s most renowned artists. His upcoming show will feature original works and prints, all dedicated to this touching story about hope and survival through art.


“John and George” will be on view from July 17 through Aug. 17.

(Via: Complex)

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