An Amusing Animation About What a Lonely Dog Does When His Human Leaves for the Day

For his art school final project, Belgian illustrator Pieter Vandenabeele created the award-winning “A Dogs Life“, a very amusing and somewhat poignant animation that shows what a rather lonely dog eager for attention does when his distracted human runs off to work everyday.

A dog lives a lonely life in the house of his master and tries to fill his days with all kinds of hobbies. Hopefully, some unexpected event will take place. If not, this could turn out to be a very boring film.

(Via: Laughing Squid)

Expressive Portraits of Animals Reflect Powerful “Human” Emotions

0Belgian photographer Vincent Legrange is currently working on an ongoing project that is inspired by his undying love for animals. Human Animal is a series of portraits that displays both domestic pets and wild animals. Each image is refined and solemn, focusing on the animals’ unique features in understated tones and colors. ‘‘Today most people photograph just people, but only a few photograph animals,” explained Legrange to Yatzer. “I tried to photograph the animals as humans, depicting their emotion and human-like characteristics in a sombre way.’’

Behind the scenes of each expressive image, photographing the animals was no easy task for the animal lover. They were constantly moving around, so he had to repeatedly rearrange his props and lights to accommodate their ever-changing positions. Despite these difficulties, many of the portraits appear peaceful and calm, making viewers believe that the cats, dogs, reptiles, and birds are having a moment of inner reflection. 00 000 0000 00000 000000 0000000 00000000 000000000 0000000000 00000000000 000000000000 0000000000000

(Via: My Modern Met)

The Cat Cube


Belgium designer Delphine Courier has come up with the “Cat Cube” – a recycled cardboard house for cats which is made without the use of glue or any other toxic material. “I wanted to create something that would satisfy both my passion for cats and my taste in design,” says Courier.


“Something that would be fun for Pistache [her cat] to play with but also go well in my apartment.”

The Cat Cube costs 39.50 EUR (approx. £30) and comes in a number of different prints.


(Via: HUH)