Stray Dog Spontaneously Joins Swedish Team Competing in 430-Mile Amazonian Race


Right before a four-person Swedish team was scheduled to hike, kayak, and bike a grueling 430-mile endurance race through the Amazon rainforest, they sat down for a quick meal together. That’s when teammate Mikael Lindnord noticed a tattered, miserable-looking stray dog. Feeling sympathy for the dog, he decided to give him one of his meatballs, figuring it would be the end of their exchange.

The team must have made a fantastic impression on the stray because he continued to follow the adventure athletes as they made their way through mud and dangerous terrain. Even when they tried to get the loyal dog to stop for his own safety, he wouldn’t listen and kept on going. During the kayaking portion of the race, their eager furry friend swam right beside them, prompting the team to invite him onto the kayak as their newest member.

After all five of them crossed the finish line as the 12th top team in the world, the athletes decided to name the stray Arthur and to have him treated for a severe wound that had been on his back when they first met him. The team also worked out a way to bring their companion back home to Sweden with them, starting a Twitter campaign to raise the needed funds. Now, Arthur is living a happy, healthy life in Sweden with Lindnord, the man who shared the meatball that started it all.

As if it couldn’t get any better, the team has set up the Arthur Foundation, a charity organization for supporting stray dogs in need of a loving, caring home.

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(Via: My Modern Met)

Cutting Edge Architecture…For Cats!

A total of 14 Los Angeles-based architecture firms, including Perkins and Will and HOK, were recently tasked with designing small outdoor cat shelters for charity. The works were displayed for one night only to raise money for FixNation: a non-profit organization dedicated to minimizing cat populations through humane, non-lethal, methods. The Giving Shelter project was conceived by Architects for Animals and offered each architect an opportunity to get creative. The shelters range greatly in shape, size, and practicality.

Abramson Teiger Architects' shelter is rather plush and upmarket (Photo: Grey Crawford)
Abramson Teiger Architects’ shelter is rather plush and upmarket (Photo: Grey Crawford)
3d3architecture would perhaps make a good platform for sleeping (Photo: Grey Crawford)
3d3architecture would perhaps make a good platform for sleeping (Photo: Grey Crawford)
4DSH architecture clearly like to think outside the box (Photo: Grey Crawford)
4DSH architecture clearly like to think outside the box (Photo: Grey Crawford)
6Formation Association + Edgar Arceneaux's shelter is "passively-cooled" (Photo: Grey Crawford)
6Formation Association + Edgar Arceneaux’s shelter is “passively-cooled” (Photo: Grey Crawford)
HOK's utilitarian communal shelter comes complete with faux grass (Photo: Grey Crawford)
HOK’s utilitarian communal shelter comes complete with faux grass (Photo: Grey Crawford)
We're not sure what this is, by LEHRER ARCHITECTS, but the cat looks comfy at least (Photo: Grey Crawford)
We’re not sure what this is, by LEHRER ARCHITECTS, but the cat looks comfy at least (Photo: Grey Crawford)
NAC architecture's shelter sleeps three (Photo: Grey Crawford)
NAC architecture’s shelter sleeps three (Photo: Grey Crawford)
Perkins and Will's shelter is a little more ... abstract (Photo: Grey Crawford)
Perkins and Will’s shelter is a little more … abstract (Photo: Grey Crawford)
Pfeiffer Partners Architects came up with another pipe-based shelter (Photo: Found Animals)
Pfeiffer Partners Architects came up with another pipe-based shelter (Photo: Found Animals)
RNL's design is simple, fun, and functional (Photo: Grey Crawford)
RNL’s design is simple, fun, and functional (Photo: Grey Crawford)
Geddit? By RTKL (Photo: Konnect PR)
Geddit? By RTKL (Photo: Konnect PR)
Space Intl's shelter looks a little cramped but cats do love to squeeze into small spaces (Photo: Found Animals)
Space Intl’s shelter looks a little cramped but cats do love to squeeze into small spaces (Photo: Found Animals)
Standard Architecture Design produced one of the more practical looking shelters (Photo: Grey Crawford)
Standard Architecture Design produced one of the more practical looking shelters (Photo: Grey Crawford)
Wolcott Architecture Interiors has enough room to throw a cat party (Photo: Grey Crawford)
Wolcott Architecture Interiors has enough room to throw a cat party (Photo: Grey Crawford)

 (Via: Gizmag)