How Long Does Dog Kibble Last?


In physical appearance, maybe 100 million years. But what about nutrition-wise?


Yep, 14 days if you’re lucky according to Steve Brown, author and a world-renowned pioneer in the development of formulas for pet food.

Many pet owners today purchase massive bags of kibble because of the value or deals that are offered. The more kibble, the sweeter the deal.

Wait a minute! Doesn’t the small print on the bag of pet food say that this bag has a one-year best before date?

Sure it does, but this refers to when the bag is unopened. Once opened and oxygen gets to the kibble, it’s a whole new ball game! Why is this? Simply put, it’s because of a villain called “Oxidation”.

What Is Oxidation?

According to Ascenta Health: “The best way to explain oxidation is to give you the example of rust. Rust is just a generic term applied to the reddish iron oxide formed when iron reacts with oxygen in the environment. Oil, like fish, also reacts with oxygen and initiates an undesirable series of chemical reactions that eventually produces rancidity in oil.”

Oxidation occurs as soon as the oil comes into contact with oxygen from the environment. Since pet food is loaded with an array of different fats and oils, some of those fats are extremely sensitive to oxygen. Here is where the oxidization does its dirty work by making these fats go rancid.

… Don’t Manufacturers Add Antioxidants To Protect The Fats And Nutrients?

Sure, the pet food companies use antioxidants called “mixed tocopherols” to help slow down this oxidization problem, but every time the bag of kibble is opened and exposed to oxygen, eventually those antioxidants succumb to oxidization and are all oxidized. Once destroyed, problems develop.

What are the problems? Fats are damaged, starting with the more fragile omega 3 fatty acids, once damaged they become rancid. Rancid is the term used to describe oil that has spoiled or gone off.

“Rancid fish oil may increase your risk of heart disease, atherosclerosis and blood clots. When you consume rancid fish oils, your body must use its stores of antioxidants such as vitamin E to neutralize the rancid oils, leaving fewer of these resources available to your body for cellular repair and disease prevention.” – Livestrong

Animal studies using dogs and other animals show vitamin, protein, and fat deficiencies because of rancid fat. (Quackenbush F. J Am Oil Chem Soc,1945)

Studies show that frequent consumption of oxidized fats may cause cancer and contribute to many chronic health problems. –

With the cancer rates climbing to almost 1 in 2 pets, consideration should be taken here, no?

According to Doctor Karen Becker: “Many people don’t realize there’s a chemical reaction happening inside that bag of food. A reaction that is amplified if the bag sits for a long time, or in a hot environment, or sits open. […] once a bag of pet food is opened, things happen. The fats go rancid and potentially react with the synthetic metals, oxidation occurs, and there can be opportunistic bacteria, and mycotoxins to boot. We assume pet food producers know this is the case, but if they don’t collect data on it, then they can remain willfully ignorant. After all, they certainly can’t warn consumers not to open the bags of pet food they’ve purchased.”

plasic_binWhat About Storing Kibble In Plastic Containers?

Imagine: you’re packing a breakfast for work in a small container (let’s say delicious bacon and eggs). After eating that, you use the same container, unwashed, to store lunch (how about a fresh garden salad)! Okay, you’ve eaten your lunch; it’s time to pack supper in that very same unwashed container (let’s put sushi in it this time)! I assume you’re getting my point. Imagine packing all your meals into the same container, over and over, without washing it after each use!

When the fats and oils of the kibble first hit the walls of your pet food containers, they begin to oxidize (especially in the plastic ones). Over time, the residual fats and oils that have settled along the walls and bottom of the bin start to grow rancid and develop the invisible molds that will aid in the destruction of your pet’s health.

Most of your plastic containers have tiny little microscopic pores. When these fats get trapped in them, over time, they too will also grow rancid and contaminate each new batch of food poured into the containers.

Looking For Tips On How To Enhance The Life Of Dry Food?

1.) According to Steve Brown: Buy smaller bags and try to have the food consumed within 7 days ideally.

2.) Purchase kibble without the fats and add your own fresh fat sources. For example, adding fish oil to the food at the time it’s served.

3.) If you purchase larger bags, then store it in the freezer to prevent oxidization.

4.) Don’t buy bags that are torn or damaged.

5.) If your dog or cat refuses to eat the kibble, do not force them too. They may be telling you something!

6.) Do not use plastic containers to store kibble. If you must, keep the food in it’s original bag and place that bag into the plastic container.

Remember: The long-term consumption of rancid fats for pets leads to long-term health problems for pets.


Household Over The Counter Medications Safe for Pets

While veterinary care, lots of love, and a healthy lifestyle is the absolute best way to keep your pet feeling great, all dogs will experience at least some form of injury or illness in their lifetime. Did you know that there are many over-the-counter human medications that can be safe and effective for dogs, when used correctly?

Benadryl, or another branded antihistamine, can be incredibly useful for treating allergies, bug bites, or other causes of itchy skin. Buffered aspirin is an excellent anti-inflammatory and pain reliever. Even Dramamine can be used for dogs with motion sickness, and Imodium can treat diarrhea. However, dosages for dogs are much different than for humans.

Use the chart below to determine if your OTC medication is dog (and cat) safe and how much should be administered. Always check with your veterinarian that understands your pet’s health and history before giving any medications. Additionally, be certain that you’re using only the medication listed, not other ingredients. Many antihistamines, for example, include added decongestants that can be lethal for your dog. Check labels very carefully and when in doubt, don’t use.

Household Meds Safe For Pets

Source: Doggington Post

Logan’s Trip To The Doggie Dentist

Check yourself, before you wreck yourself: A guide to Canine Dental Health

It was about 3 months ago, that Logan’s mouth started to stink.
Not just  ‘dog breath’ smell. This is an OMG STANK-smell.

It was also 3 months ago that I removed all antlers, and other bone bits.  I had been red flagged by my vet that his molars were filed down to an abnormal size based on his age (he’ll be 6 in January). Logan is a chewer, which explains his nubby molars! I do know keeping your pet’s teeth and gums in good shape has many health benefits in addition to fresh breath.

My vet clinic is performing free dental consultations, so I took Logan in last week, for a checkup consult.  Turns out, he isn’t as bad off as I had originally thought, as his gums look healthy, and only has a bit of tarter build up. It’s highly suggested he gets a scaling, to prevent it from getting worse as he gets older.  I received a quote, and will be booking his teeth cleaning within the next couple of weeks.

Logan’s mouth evaluation – October 2013

Dog Dental Q&A – Common Questions

My pet has bad breath. Are bad teeth and gums the cause?
Most likely, YES. However, it is very important to schedule a visit to the veterinarian. In rare cases, some diseases or situations can cause bad breath in the absence of, or in addition to, tooth/gum disease. Conditions such as kidney failure, diabetes, nasal or facial skin infections, cancers, or situations where the animal is ingesting feces or other materials, can cause bad breath with or without periodontal disease.

What actually causes the bad breath when tooth/gum disease is present?
Bad breath, medically known as “halitosis”, results from the bacterial infection of the gums (gingiva) and supporting tissues seen with periodontal disease (periodontal = occurring around a tooth).

How can I tell if my pet is suffering from periodontal disease?

* Bad Breath: this is the leading sign that there is an infection in the mouth
* Tooth loss
* Subdued Behavior
* Abnormal Drooling
* Dropping food from the mouth
* Swallowing food whole
* Bleeding gums
* Going to the food bowl, but not eating
* Any change in chewing or eating habits

If your pet displays any of these signs, serious periodontal disease may be present.

What are the causes of periodontal disease?
Plaque is a colorless film that contains large amounts of bacteria.  If left unchecked, plaque builds up, creating infection, destroying gums and resulting in the loss of the tissues and bone that support the teeth.  Preventative oral care can reduce the formation of plaque and help maintain proper oral health throughout your pet’s life.

What is the difference between plaque and tartar?
Plaque is a colony of bacteria, mixed with saliva, blood cell, and other bacterial components. Plaque often leads to tooth and gum disease. Dental tartar, or calculus, occurs when plaque becomes mineralized (hard) and firmly adheres to the tooth enamel then erodes the gingival tissue.

What can happen if my pet’s teeth aren’t cleaned?
Both plaque and tartar damage the teeth and gums. Disease starts with the gums (gingiva). They become inflamed – red, swollen, and sore. The gums finally separate from the teeth, creating pockets where more bacteria, plaque, and tartar build up. This in turn causes more damage, and finally tooth and bone loss.

This affects the whole body, too. Bacteria from these inflamed oral areas can enter the bloodstream and affect major body organs. The liver, kidneys, heart, and lungs are most commonly affected. Antibiotics are used prior to and after a dental cleaning to prevent bacterial spread through the blood stream.

But my pet is only 3 years old! Isn’t this an “old dog/cat disease”?
No – dental disease is NOT just for the senior pets.
Without proper dental care, 80 percent of dogs and 70 percent of cats show signs of oral disease by age three.

My pet doesn’t seem like s/he is in any pain. Do they experience oral pain?
They may not verbalize or complain like a human would, but animals most likely feel pain with periodontal disease. The pain levels may be low, or very noticeable, and it varies with each animal. Obvious signs of oral pain may include: “chattering” teeth while eating or grooming, drooling, crying out, and refusing to eat. Please see this informative article by a veterinary dental specialist, Ben H. Colmery III, DVM, “Pet Dental Care – Does it Hurt”?

My pet lost a tooth the other day. S/he seems fine. Do I need to do anything?
Yes – please see your veterinarian as soon as possible to check the pocket and other teeth. Exposed tissue can be very painful and are open to infection.

My vet has recommended a dental for my pet. What should l expect?
If your pet has a lot of periodontal disease, your vet will likely prescribe antibiotics for a few days prior to the dental. This will reduce the infection in the mouth and the spread of bacteria via the bloodstream. Pets need to be anesthetized for a full dental cleaning. Scaling tartar can be done while awake, but for a thorough oral exam and cleaning, animals must be anesthetized. Scaling tartar on an awake animal, without polishing the teeth, leaves a rough surface to the tooth, predisposing the tooth for more plaque and tartar accumulation, quicker. Most vets strongly urge pre-anesthetic blood work to ensure that everything else is OK with your pet.

Your pet will be anesthetized, any medications or fluids will be administered, and the vet or veterinary technician will scale the teeth, examine the gums (and any pockets), extract diseased teeth*, and polish the teeth. The equipment used on your pet’s teeth is much like you would find in a human dental office.

*There are other options – such as root canals, crowns, etc. Please speak with your veterinarian about these options, or seek a referral to a veterinary dental specialist.

How can I care for my pet’s teeth at home?
It is important to use products specifically designed for dogs and cats. Do not use human toothpaste on your pet’s teeth. Products are available for cats and for dogs. Your veterinarian or veterinary technician can show you the proper techniques for your pet. Some animals do well with a toothbrush, some do not. Other products include finger swabs, tooth ‘cloths’, and mouth rinses. Talk to your vet about what type of product would work best for your pet. Ideally, the teeth should be brushed daily, as with humans. Even once every few days will be a big help.